Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Book Club : Part 1( administrative)

The Beach Babes Book Babes met yesterday, with five of us. I had said in our previous post, we just started we are fine right now with our small group. But, that said we would still welcome others.

I will say, don't let the name of our group fool you. There was serious discussion going on. From the writing style, down to the characters.

First, we had discussion of feedback about our wonderful speaker that we hosted for our Jewish community, of 15 people. We were happy with the response. We are a small community, and we don't have the resources, and funding to form a large event.

We were happy with the numbers that came.  During Rabbi Debbie's presentation, we had one of our members that was talking so loudly. I was hoping this would stop, but continued for almost the entire presentation.  What is the problem with this woman. I felt like a school marm. I wanted to go back there, and split them up like school kids. I finally said, something. Believe it or not, yes she stopped. This is a woman, that should know better.

  But, then she went to the other room and continued the conversation with someone else, again loudly. I was never so embarrassed.

I found out today, what was so important for her to keep talking, was knitting.  We all agreed, why did she come, if all she was going to do is talk. Why come to a group presentation. Then if she was not interested she should have gone outside, and continued the conversation, without disturbing the others.

We spoke about this in the meeting, about this person. I, as well as the group don't have a problem with her. It is her behavior that we all, found embarrassing and appalling.  The reason it had to be talked about is because we have invited another guest, a local university professor at CCU to talk about Jane Eyre.

It would be embarrassing if it happened again. Hopefully it will be resolved. Because one of our members volunteered to say something, if she does this again.

Has this ever happened to you? Any comments or feedback you would like to leave would be appreciated it.

We also set goals for our group, and what each of us was looking for out of our book club.  Each book club had different dynamics, and different wants and needs, and what they are looking for.  This was the time for each person to speak up.  Everyone was fine, with the group I was trying to form.

My other book club, 38th Ave. Diva Readers, has been around for 8 years. It has evolved and grown. But, not the kind of book club I am looking for. The 38th Ave. Diva's is more of a social group, they usually talk 5-10 minutes about the book, and then the rest is social hour. 

Don't get me wrong, I like social, but I am looking for stimulating conversation about the book, a even balance. I hope everyone said, what they had to say and not hold back, afraid to speak up. Because this was the time to do it.

The other thing, I like to liven the book club, with a theme. From food, to guest speaker, to a movie. From my other book club, many eons ago. We read the 13th Tale, and the theme was a afternoon tea.  I love making a fuss, and prepare to make it a event. Where others did not appreciate this.

This group, likes the idea to make it special. But, you can't do it all the time. Because it looses it's luster.  Next month, we have been given books from the author. The book is Sipping from the Nile by Jean Nagger.

 It has been arranged, the author will speak through speaker phone. I wanted to get ideas about Egyptian cuisine. Either foods from Egypt, or the Middle East.

Love to hear what your book club does to liven, and stimulate, and shake things up? What do you do to make your group unique?

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