Thursday, April 20, 2017

The Cigar Factory: Book Club

The Cigar Factory
Michele Moore

When I first read the back cover of the book. It reminded me of the Triangle Factory Fire. It does have similarities. But, it does have much more. It is worth the read and won't disappoint.

If you like to read stories about social justice, black issues, and are a feminist. I think you would like this book.  With what going on in our country. It is worth the read. It reminds us how much has changed. Hopefully our country will go back to "normalcy".

White against Black. Working conditions of both classes in the Cigar Factory in Charleston,SC. When White and Black come together for the  common good. Equal pay for everyone. Better working conditions. Non-segregated bathrooms. Sexual harrassement by the upper management.  I can't say, I enjoyed. But my eyes opened by the oppression of black workers vs. white. What it was like working and living in the south. Working conditions in the south for  Black, vs. White workers.Living and working during the war, unions. Etc, etc, etc.

If you like books on social justice, historical fiction. I would recommend highly.

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