Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Fear: Book Review

By Bob Woodward
purchased copy

I have bought several political books in the past years since President Trump has been elected. One of the books that stand out to me is, Fire and Fury. There is no comparison between the two. Fire and Fury was very simplistic prose. It was geared to anyone that doesn't like to read intense books. To me it was like reading a gossip column. On the opposite end is Fear.

First off the author is well known, he and Carl Bernstein are well known investigative Journalists from the Washington Post. They were responsible for opening the Watergate investigation wide open. Bob Woodward has a good reputation, and digs for the facts. He has sources to back them up. But, they are not named in the book. He does have several foot notes.

Where Fire and Fury was not an investigative book. It was geared to the gossip that was already reported in several newspapers. I am not sure why the publishers published the book. But, it did sell copies. Which is what the publishers were hoping for. They can say " thank you" to President Trump for the publicity.

Fear though is a totally different book. It is based on investigative reporting. Which have several different sources. The White House can deny all they want. But, the public knows the truth. Fear tells you the goings on in the White House by how the President picked his cabinet, how they were fired. What he thought of his staff. How the staff either tried to distract the president. Hoping he would forget to sign. Or they would take care of things by themselves.  The personalities of Cohn, Mattis, and McMaster was interesting to read. But, scary what the President was capable of doing. Thank g-d others were around him to stop him.  you wonder if he really thought this. Or just something that just came out of his mouth at the time. Did he just need to cool off.

What I liked about Fear was he delved into his policies. Which was not touched upon in Fire and Fury. Foreign policies, National Security, The military in Afghanistan, and the Middle East. What Trump thought about each one of these. How unaware and uneducated in several decisions that were made. Luckily there is staff there to protect him.

The problem with our president is. He runs the White House like a business. A president can run the government like a business but you should still have empathy, caring, civility, and competence. Which our president doesn't have. Instead he micro manages. Has cabinet members take on jobs that the senate usually does.Or he asks a low staffer to take on responsibility. That he or she doesn't have any knowledge.  After reading the book. You will then realize what was really going on in the background.

I recommend Fear, if you are a die hard political junkie. Who wants to know the truth about Trump, and the White House.

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Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Book Review: Daughter of a Daughter of a Queen

Daughter of a Daughter
 of a Queen
By Sarah Bird

Copy courtesy from St. Martin

I was excited to read the novel, Daughter of a Daughter of Queen. I loved the synopsis of the novel. It is about a black woman. Who lived in Missouri. She was told she was a descendant of a proud African nation.  She was taken from her home to be a cook in the army for the troops. After the Civil War is over many of the slaves. Who worked in the Civil War have a choice. Either move back to the south where that part of the country was racist. Or move up north where you are well welcome.

I couldn't connect to the book or the characters. I gave it 200 pages and then gave up. I love historical fiction. I can't tell you why. But, I just didn't particularly like the book. Thank you St. Martin for allowing me to review. Unfortunately the book didn't do anything for me.

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In Memory: Book Review, Restless Wave

The Restless Wave
By John McCain
My copy

Since the election of 2016. I have been reading more non-fiction, rather than fiction. Mostly political, current events, social justice, etc.

 It has been reported that there has been a boom for more political books. That tells you something. Me, myself I have bought several books that are political, or current events. Since 2016 I have changed my reading habits.

 I haven't decided if I am a republican or democrat. I was a long time republican. But, realized I voted what my Dad voted. Not what I thought with my conscience.  I always spoke my mind to my friends and family. I took for granted our Constitution, and Bill of Rights. Thinking JUSTICE for ALL! is equality for all.

 I couldn't understand why there was debate for Afro- Americans, gerrymandering, Muslim, Hispanics, etc. I was in the dark. I didn't realize that Afro-Americans only won the right to vote in 1964. And, I'm in the early 60's. I'm so sorry it took me this long to open my eyes.

Since like I said, I started paying attention to politics, and current events. I think both GOP, and Democrats are corrupt. But, I think we are better off with  Democrats right now. With Trump in office it has been a catastrophe. But, Congress, and Senate has been a mess in years. Right now, Congress and Senate don't want to reach across the aisle. They don't want to work together. There is far right, and far left, no moderates of both sides. I think that would help. But, our country has been about big money, and lobbyist. Not for the American people. Especially when it comes to Obamacare.

I bought the book, Restless Wave when it first came out. But, I couldn't get myself to open the pages. I was hoping to read the book before Senator McCain passed away. Unfortunately, that didn't happen. I opened the book a few days after it was announced he passed away. I'm glad I read the book now. Because I can appreciate him much more.

I heard he was a war hero. Survived in Vietnam for 5 years as a prisoner of war. When he returned he worked in the government. The book was slow moving at times, but then sped up as he was talking about the armed forced committee in the senate.

He spoke out about the black sites, the treatment of suspected terrorist during the Iraq War. He didn't agree with our government when it came to waterboarding, and torture. When it came out in public to the American public. There was a public outcry by the American people. "We are better than this".

 I didn't realize that senators went abroad to visit countries to get better perspective frequently. Him, and his two amigos( Lindsey Graham, and Joe Lieberman) traveled constantly. He writes mainly about foreign affairs. The countries he visited. The fears he had with conflict of the middle east, The conflicts of Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Crimea, etc.
I didn't realize how much they senators were in harms way when they went overseas.

He talks about his happiness of running for presidency. Even though he was never elected. He is grateful for the people he met, and the experiences he had on the road on the bus with journalists. He doesn't talk about his regrets with his appointed VP Palin. But, he does talk about the mistake he made about the confederate flag in SC. He admits he's mistakes. Which most politicians won't admit to.

Knowing what I know now. If he didn't have Palin as VP.  Just think what would have happened? I think he had more experience than any other president elect. If you read his book you will see he has much experience, knowledge, and expertise when it comes to foreign affairs in
the Middle East, and in Russia. The mistakes our government made during the Obama administration with Russia, and Ukraine, Syria, and the Middle East. Perhaps Russia wouldn't be as much as a threat as it is now.

He writes about his time in congress, and the senate. How much he enjoyed his time there. Working with both sides, with honor, integrity, courage, character, and dignity. He never let his character waiver. He was a restless soul who couldn't sit still. He was always working. He made some great friendships on both side of the aisle. He writes about his sparring with Senator Ted Kennedy, Senator Joe Biden. He still remained friends even after they argued.

He at the end of his life wanted to get back to regular order. Meaning, debate on issues, and  pass laws that cooperate and a give and take. Most everyone remembers when he was just diagnosed with cancer. He spoke at the senate, and voted hands down. Not because he wanted to stop Obamacare. But, because he wanted both democrats, and republicans to work together.

 He wrote about his parents. The roots he didn't have till he married he's second wife, Cindy. Which he loves he's Arizona home.

He writes about his great life. He has no regrets, and is very optimistic. He writes with a moving hand  He is very positive. I believe that Vietnam changed him. He is grateful he had a second chance.  If it wasn't for his capture, and release that he is profoundly grateful. He wouldn't have the same outlook. He's writing is poignant, and sincere. When reflecting on his life brought tears to my eyes.  He has a positive outlook even when anticipating his death.

Here is the excerpt of the last page of the book. If this doesn't perk you to purchase the book. I don't know what will. Perhaps I am a sucker.

The last two pages is very touching and sums it up. What character John McCain had. Here are two different excerpts:
Before I leave I'd like to see our politics begin to return to the purposes and practices that distinguish our history from the history of other nations. I would like to see us receive our sense that we are more alike than different. We are citizens of the republic made of shared ideals forged in a new world to replace the tribal enemies that tormented the old one. Even in times of political turmoil such as these, we share that awesome heritage and responsibility to embrace it. Whether we think each other right or wrong in our views on the issues of the day, we owe each other our respect, as long as our character merits respect, and as long as we share, for all our differences, for all the rancorous debates that enliven and sometimes demean our politics, a mutual devotion to the ideals our nation was conceived to uphold, that all are created equal, and liberty and equal justice are the natural rights of all. Those rights inhabit the human heart, and from there, though they may be assailed, they can never be wrenched. I want to urge Americans, for as long as I can, to remember that this shared devotion to human rights is our truest heritage and our most important loyalty. 
The world is a fine place and worth fighting for and I hate very much to leave it". Spoke my hero, Robert Jordan, in For Whom The Bell Tolls. And, I do too. I hate to leave it. But, I don't have a complaint. Not, one. It's been quite a ride. I've known great passions, seen amazing wonders, fought in a war, and helped make peace. I've lived very well and I've been deprived of all comforts. I've been as lonely as a person can be and I've enjoyed the company of heroes. I've suffered deepest despair and experienced the highest exultation. I made a small place for myself in the story of America and the history of my times.