Friday, February 15, 2019

Book Review: The Great Revolt

The Great Revolt
By Salena Zito and Brad Todd

I wondered how President Trump was elected. Who in the United States would elect a person who doesn't have competence. If you wondered about it like I did. Then check out the book. It doesn't answer all the questions. But, it does answer some of the question you may have been looking for.

 I Read The Great Revolt because of Megan McCain's recommendation on the View. I read it a few months ago. It isn't fresh in my mind as I hoped. I will write a short note review.

 Both of these authors interviewed many Trump voters. Explaining why, and what they hope will change if President Trump becomes president.

Most everything was said before on broadcast and commentator cable news. What I felt was fresh though, was another set of women who voted for Trump. Which I didn't realize. These women, are women that carry, and have license for hand guns. The chapter was very enlightening to me. Why. I can understand where they are coming from.

It is very sad that unfortunately many of the Obama voters were disenfranchised by the democrats. Promises that were made and never came to light. People that were left behind.  You can't blame these people. They were tired of the same old, same old. So they voted for Trump. These people were looking for something to shake up the country. Even if it meant Trump. They felt they were forgotten. Mainly in the "Rust Belt"( Ohio, Pennsylvania,Wisconsin, etc.).
The authors instead of writing from distances away. Went to the Rust Belt( The central part of our country). They actually sat down with these folks and talked to them about the election of 2016. The voting of Obama, and Romney. This is where the media got it wrong. They didn't talk to these people. Instead they went by analysis, and polling. If they did the leg work the media would have predicted what was happening.

 There seemed to be many that felt the President can fix everything. Some people are in the dark. They think the President is a fix all. Unfortunately things have changed. The tech business has changed our way of life, and livelihood of many in the coal mining business, and the manufacturing businesses that are no longer needed or used. But, our president tried to spin the manufacturing business to suit the voters. Making them think he will be working for them.

For me it was obvious the book was mediocre. Because I already had my answers. I most likely read the book because of the shock of President Trump becoming President. Now, the shock is over and I deal and wait til 2020 hoping the insanity will be over soon. I probably wouldn't waste my time buying the book now.

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