Monday, October 12, 2020

The Summer I Met Jack- Book Review

The Summer I Met Jack
By Michelle Gable
Galley from St. Martin

** spoiler alert ** At first, I was not thrilled to read the novel. Yes, novel. It is fiction just remember that while reading. Our book club read the novel for September. Most of us wondered what was true, and what was false. After reading, I realized why people hate politics. It's not a political novel. It just gave me more insight into why people feel the way they do.

Going on to the story. Unfortunately, I didn't finish the novel until after the book club. I had high regard for the Kennedy family. The author doesn't paint them like that at all. Instead, she has a different take. If you are a Kennedy follower. You will be disappointed. I didn't know too much because I was a toddler during this time. What I know is what I heard from gossip from family and friends in life. I never did any outside reading and research on my own.

It took me quite a while to get into the novel. I would say it is a beach read. I am glad I read it. But, I will say, after reading. I didn't care for the characters of the Kennedy family. None of them would I want to know. Remember, this is fiction. I don't know if the author got first-hand knowledge about the family's character. Or was it made up? I would love to know.

The story is partially true. JFK met a Polish, Jewish young woman named, Alicia Darr in the summer of 1950. They started a relationship that turned into a love affair. This part is true. What is uncertain is, did she and Jack conceive a child. We will never know. Apparently, the FBI and Hoover were following the escapades. They wanted to know if Alicia was pregnant. It was never proven. Just proves what length Hoover went to dig up dirt on Jack.

She painted the family as obnoxious, and no civility. Their mother, Rose was cold as ice. and so much more hidden tidbits. Supposedly, they were engaged until Joe Kennedy stopped it. He wanted Jack to marry someone else. Not someone Jewish. They both went on with their life. Alicia went out to Hollywood to venture into movies. She had several boyfriends including, Kirk Douglas, Gary Cooper. Jack continued his political life without her. It was rumored Jack had several women, including Marilyn Monroe. He still popped into Alicia's life and continued to tease the thought. He married Jackie. Who he didn't want to marry. The novel paints the marriage was not a happy one.

After some time, Alicia crosses the ocean to start a new life in Italy. She sleeps with many men. She becomes, Alicia Corning-Clark. She was only married to him for 10 days. She inherited his millions.
After years of hiding the truth. She died a lonely very wealthy, woman. She, unfortunately, as well as Jack were both unhappy people. Him with his health issues of Addison. She never found love. She had to give up her child( remember fiction). Always known, as Auntie. The novel just reminded me of those books filled with ambition, glamour, sex, and dirt. If you like those kinds of books you will like The Summer I Met Jack. I received it as a galley, thank you St. Martin. 

I give the book a rating:

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