Sunday, July 24, 2022

Take My Hand: Social Justice- Book Review

Take My Hand

By Dolen Perkins-

Take My Hand is a difficult, and heartbreaking read at the same time. The novel is inspired by the true story of the case of Relf vs. Weinberger in June 1973.  Minnie Lee and Mary Alice Relf aged 12 and 14, were both sterilized.  
They were poor black girls in Alabama. Without consent from their parents.

Civil Townsend, a black graduate nurse is starting her new career at the Montgomery Family Planning Clinic in Montgomery, Alabama. She wanted to make a difference in her black community. Her first assignment is to give Depro-Provera injections to India, and Erika. 

 These shots were routinely given in Montgomery, Alabama. As well as throughout the country. The federal government funded family clinics nationwide. 

At the same time, the federal government was being investigated. Do y'all recall the government was doing syphilis studies on black men in Tuskegee? But recently what is happening in women's prisons all across the country.  I remember hearing about this. This is relevant to here and now. Also because of the abortion issue. 

 The patients at the clinic in Montgomery were very poor with little means. Her first assignment was to give injections to India and Erika. Civil had to travel to the poor outskirts of town. Her eyes opened to see the poor living conditions, They were living in a one-room shack. 

 She was shocked by the inequality and injustice. When she arrived at India and Erika's home. She was shocked to see how they lived. She never saw anyone live that poorly. She had to get over it. And then get to business. She was there to give the girls the shots. . She took it for granted the government made sure the injections were safe.

I was going to write more. Then realized I am giving away too much of the story. Instead, you will have to read to see the injustice of the shameful time in America. This was about the time of Roe vs. Wade in 1973. When women were crying for abortion rights which finally became legal. But, at the same time, they were forcing women sterilization across the nation without consent and not knowing what treatment was being done. The government took advantage of the poor. They relied on the government. with federal assistance. Most of them thought the help they were given by the government would be taken away if they didn't do what the government suggested.  They trusted what they said. But couldn't read and signed whatever was being told to them. 

As this was happening to the girls. Civil started getting involved with the family. She helped them get assistance with housing. She helped them move to their new home. She also bought the girls clothes and food. She became too involved with the family. At times I personally felt this was none of her business.

 I felt at times Civil was forcing her beliefs on the family. There are reasons why the family didn't move perhaps. They didn't have a car to find a better job for example.  At least that was my thought. How would you like a person in the government to tell you how to live? I wouldn't. Especially the government. Would you trust them? Think you know best? You don't understand their situation.  This is a young woman who doesn't know any better. I was like, really! Know I understand why some people believe in smaller government. 

I think Civil felt guilty about what happened to the girls. And what she did. Also because she came from a better upbringing.  As you read the novel you will learn Civil is affected throughout her life. Which again, I am not going to divulge. You will have to read it yourself.

The writing is straightforward and an easy read. There is nothing special about the writing style. The story itself had a lot to say. It is worth the read if you believe in social justice. Do you believe in Women's health? abortion rights?  and contraceptives.? 

I  read Take My Hand because of the abortion issue. But, also because I was a nurse. I was not political and didn't think about working in a women's health clinic. I didn't realize the different opportunities in the nursing field. My heart was set on working in the hospital. I should have done more research on what opportunities were offered in the nursing field. But, I am still happy with the work I did until I retired. 

Are you upset with what is going on in our states, and country?  Doctors are afraid to treat women because of abortion but also, Women's health. The fetus is not viable in the woman's uterus.

The women are walking around for two weeks with a dead fetus. Is that justice? And this is a white woman! These and other stories are extreme in southern states.  just because of politics. These politicians and governments cared about the safety and health of the American people. No more. 


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